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return visit 回訪,答拜,回拜。


In recent years have been engaged in male urogenital diseases and the clinical treatment of prostate research , the theory has broad and extensive clinical experience , maintained for a long time with the united states , singapore and other countries by authoritative experts men and academic exchanges , in the long - term male ' s diseases treatment on the basis of summing up out of a unique treatment program for men treated adhere to the scientific detection , standardized treatment , tracking late return visit by patients with excellent results and was unanimously praised 近年來一直從事男性泌尿生殖及前列腺疾病的臨床治療研究,具有廣博的理論及豐富的臨床經驗,長期保持與美國、新加坡等國家男科權威專家的學術交流,在長期的男科疾病的治療基礎上總結出了一套獨到的治療方案,對男性治療堅持科學檢測、規范治療、后期跟蹤回訪,優異的效果受到患者的一致好評。

To meet customer demand and collect customer ' s technical requirements and suggestions for quality and service of products , the company has designated special personnel to be responsible for contact with customers , door - to - door delivery , and regular return visit for customer in formation and demand , so as to achieve common development for customers and the company 公司為滿足客戶要求,了解客戶的產品技術要求及對我公司產品質量、服務的意見,指定專人對客戶進行聯系和送貨上門,并定期回訪,了解客戶信息和需求,以達到客戶、公司共同發展目的。

The main management work at the time of completion in project is handing over , acceptance check , guarantee and return visit etc . though every project of construction have his own characteristic , it is similar on management process and main management link , so long as we regard project under construction as a whole to manage systematically , we may make the good management result 項目竣工期的管理工作主要是項目對業主的交接、驗收與保修和回訪等工作。盡管每一個工程建設施工項目都有自己的特點,但其管理過程和主要的管理環節是相似的,只要我們把施工項目當作一個整體加以系統管理,就有可能取得良好的管理效果。

Because spot construction personnel did not groom through major , do not understand make craft , use material wait very , and once appear , problem maintenance also compares difficulty ; before the service of professional ambry includes carry out come to measure design , carry out to come mediumly to install , still include after service , if build user archives , seasonable pay a return visit , the problem is maintained in time etc 現場施工人員由于沒有經過專業培訓,對制作工藝、使用材料等不甚了解,而且一旦出現問題維修也比較困難;專業櫥柜的服務包括售前的上門測量設計、售中的上門安裝,還包括售后服務,如建立用戶檔案、及時回訪、有問題及時維修等等。

Customer service : free consultation , free design ; the whole customer pays a return visit and patrols and examines while constructing ; the project supervising managers are in charge of the construction quality ; as for complains and maintenance call , we will be on the spot within 24 hours to solve the problem 客戶服務:免費咨詢,免費設計;施工期間全程客戶回訪及巡檢;工程監理(質檢)對工程的施工質量把關;針對客戶投訴及維修電話,我們將24小時內到現場解決。

Recent highlights included hong kong sinfonietta s 2004 french tour in the year of china in france and concert at the hong kong arts festival , a return visit to fukuoka s asian month festival in japan , performance at the macao international music festival and a concert tour in australia 近年的演出包括帶領香港小交響樂團出訪法國代表中國參加中國在法國文化年和參與香港藝術節音樂會以及獲邀參與日本福網亞洲月藝術節澳門藝術節和澳洲巡回演出等。

11 to pay a return visit by telephone or pay a return visit to the doorstep to the after - sale service , listen to your opinions and suggestions , understand your satisfaction degree to service , so as to ensure you get company s high - quality after - sale service of runsa 11對售后服務進行電話回訪或上門回訪,聽取您的意見和建議,了解您對服務的滿意度,以確保您得到浪沙公司高質量的售后服務

Our company ' s quality target is to achieve 100 % pass for every finished project by one time ; 100 % return visit to every client ; 100 % treatment to client ' s claim ; 100 % satisfaction to client ' s claim ; 0 serious production safety accidents 本公司的質量目標是:工程竣工一次合格率100 % ,回訪率100 % ;客戶投訴處置率100 % ,投訴處置滿意率100 % ;重大生產安全事故發生率為0 。

Method : applied mebo externally to treat 50 cases of cracked nipple ( 40 cases unilateral , 10 cases hibateral ) , use drug 4 to 6 times a day , returned visit every 3 days and recoded changes observed 方法:在醫護人員指導下,對50例(單側40例,雙側10例,共60個)乳頭皸裂門診病例外用美寶濕潤燒傷膏治療,每日涂藥4 ~ 6次,每3天復診檢查,并予以記錄治療中的局部變化。

We would like to coordinately invite you two for a return visit to our school for further discussion our ongoing research activities and plans for new collaboration in areas with our mutual interest , such as aquaculture and environmental health 我們熱誠歡迎二位能夠對我院進行回訪,以就水產養殖和環境衛生等雙方感興趣的領域進行進一步的探討和規劃。

Singapore students will pay a return visit to our school from 12 - 11 - 2004 to 18 - 11 - 2004 . they will stay with their hong kong buddies and attend lessons in our school 2004年11月12日至18日新加坡學生將回訪香港,他們將會與本校同學一起上課,并由參加交流計劃的家庭負責接待。

On a third return visit , ms . chiu had completed her dental treatment with no discomfort . currently , she is still taking traditional chinese medicine and flower remedies 第三次回診,丘女士的牙醫療程結束,沒有發生任何不適;現在丘女士仍在門診中,繼續接受中藥與花藥的調理

From aug 23 to sept 7 , invited by colonel by secondary school , ottawa , canada , 13 students and four teachers from our school paid a return visit to their school 8月23日至9月7日,應加拿大渥太華市科隆納拜學校邀請,我校13名學生和4位教師回訪了該校。

Whether carry on technology to pay a return visit to to the customer reg ularly , guarantee users can share the newest technological achievement as soon as possible 定期不定期對顧客進行技術回訪,確保用戶能在第一時間內分享最新技術成果。

Koo and wang agreed to further dialogue on political , economic and other issues , and wang agreed to make a return visit to taiwan 美中關系對于決定下一個世紀對美國人而言,是否是安全、和平及繁榮的世紀,非常有影響。

Although co intoxication was not found during her first visit , it was found and treated in the returning visit 雖然首次并未能診斷出其一氧化碳中毒,幸好有機會于隨后的返診作出診斷。

Used in users communicating , answering the question , trouble diagnosing , question getting rid of , and paing a return visit etc . 用于用戶溝通解答疑問故障診斷問題排除回訪等。

Viewers must be able to gather information easily and quickly , this will encourage return visits 網站必須讓瀏覽者方便、快捷地找到信息,這樣才能鼓勵他們回訪。

In the quality guarantee , we will pay return visit of quality and mend every quarter 回訪? ?電梯安裝后,保質期內每季度對電梯進行依次質量回訪檢修。